Africa Missing in Last American Presidential Debate on Foreign Policy

From the last presidential debate of Monday night October 22, 2012, at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida, I can see that both Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and the incumbent President Barack Obama of the ruling Democratic Party don't have any defined foreign policy on Africa where as insiders know is now the new headquarters of the al-Qaeda with strongholds in Somalia, Nigeria, Libya, Mali and Eritrea under the leadership of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian surgeon who replaced Osama bin Laden as al-Qaeda’s leader in May 2011.

As I noted in another topic on the HuffPost that killing Osama bin Laden has not weakened the al-Qaeda as shown by the gory murder of the American Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens who before his unfortunate death warned the State Department to extend counter-terror unit's tour of duty, because the situation in Libya was 'unpredictable, volatile and violent', but President Barack Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to do so, because Africa was not as important to them as the war in Afghanistan that heaven knows is a USELESS WASTE OF AMERICAN LIVES AND TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.
President Obama lied when he said in a UN speech that “The tide of war is receding", because things are worsening in Afghanistan and Iraq.

It is really a pity that since Ronald Reagan, America has not been able to elect a great president, but only apologetic orators and playboys who would have been better employed as Law professors or actors in Hollywood and not gambling with the destiny of America in the Middle East.
God help America.

~ By Orikinla Osinachi


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