The $42 Billion "Black Girl Magic" of African American Women

Gail Warrior.
Warrior is founder/CEO of Warrior Group, a commercial construction company headquartered in Dallas. Since 2009, her company has ranked in the Top 10 of the Dallas Business Journal’s 100 Largest Woman-Owned Businesses in North Texas

What is Black Girl Magic?

Sheena Wright, First African-American Female President & CEO of United Way of NYC, USA.

According to African-American Women: Our Science, Her Magic, a Nielsen report released today. Self-made and self-reliant, the number of businesses majority-owned by Black women grew 67% between 2007 and 2012, more than all women combined.

The latest U.S. Census figures show African-American women have majority ownership in more than 1.5 million businesses with over $42 billion in sales.

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