Nollywood Rivals the Greatest in the World - US Senator Christopher Coons

Nollywood Rivals the Greatest in the World - US Senator Christopher Coons

"We have heard about the amazing solutions that young Nigerians are coming forward with,” he said. “We recognise the vibrancy, the creativity and the entrepreneurship that young Nigerians represent. And we know that when you find a solution to challenges facing Nigeria, you find a solution facing not just Africa, but also the entire world.

“We are here to talk also with the creative leaders of Nollywood, those who are making films that are watched all over the world, demonstrating that Nigeria has a film culture that rivals the greatest in the world. You might not just know how much Nigeria has taught United States.”

‘Astonishing’ and ‘extraordinary’ were the words Coons used in describing the entertainment industry and its players, stating that “sometimes the media focuses on the negative things in Nigeria, sometimes it focuses mainly on Borno State.

“Though the challenges there are real, we conclude our visit to Nigeria knowing that the United States has similar values, similar dreams and similar challenges with Nigeria. And that the energy that is the Nigerian people is extraordinary.”
~ Senator Christopher Coons,addressing press men at the residence of the United States’ Consulate General, Mr John Bray, on the shared challenges facing Nigeria and the United States of America.

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