Many Marketers Are the Same Pirates of Kannywood and Nollywood Movies - Falalu Dorayi

Let me tell you open and loud: We have understood that many marketers of our films are those championing piracy.
Hear how they do it. These guys after collecting your films to sell, they end up either using their allies or themselves to produce mass copies of the films and they sell at a cheaper price. When you return to them to collect your money, they will show you what you gave them that it is still not sold while the film has been in massive circulation in the country.
Another method pirates use again is, they will download the movie without your consent and put it in their phones. They sell it for N10 for a film. You can imagine someone spending N7 million in producing a film and at the end of it, it becomes a flop because of pirates.
~ Kannywood multi-talented actor, producer, and director, Falalu Dorayi has debunked the notion that Hausa language films are losing fans because they are being taken to the Cinemas.
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