’The Follower,’ NEW Indie Film, Starring Erika Christensen, New Face Bethany Lauren James and Val Lauren

"The Follower," NEW Indie Film, Starring Erika Christensen, New Face Bethany Lauren James and Val Lauren
Psychological Thriller Available for Digital HD and On Demand

NEW YORK, May 10, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The Follower, a new psychological thriller, is available for Digital HD and On Demand, via MarVista Entertainment. The film stars Erika Christensen, new face Bethany Lauren James, and Val Lauren, and was written and directed by Damián Romay of Sunshine Films. Producers include Jacobo Rispa, Kristofer McNeeley, Stephanie Slack and Fernando Szew.

Bethany Lauren James.

FILM SUMMARY - On the last night of her tour, country-pop superstar Chelsea Angel (Erika Christensen), announces to her fans a much needed break from her music career to focus on her family and soon-to-arrive baby. Tragedy strikes when her flight home crashes into a remote wilderness. The only other survivor of the crash, Evelyn King (Bethany Lauren James), who happens to be a huge fan of Chelsea, pulls her to safety. Hurt, Chelsea needs Evelyn's help to get to a nearby cabin. As Evelyn cares for Chelsea's wounds, she becomes increasingly unstable and Chelsea realizes that her caretaker may have more sinister plans in store. Racing the clock, she must find a way to overcome her injuries and escape from Evelyn, whose insane adoration could lead to Chelsea's demise.

PLAYING VILLAINS- "Think Misery with Kathy Bates. What I love about playing antagonists or 'villains', is you must find all of their humanity: hopes, dreams, and fears," says James. "It's fun to find what makes them laugh or cry because it's often not a typical trigger. In finding those things you can create full and dynamic characters. If the audience can understand Evelyn's actions, and even empathize, I've done my job."

WORKING WITH JAMES & CHRISTENSEN - "Bethany is one of the most amazing people I've ever worked with both on and off camera," says Director Damián Romay. "There are some scenes in the film where I was getting chills during the take experiencing the power of her performance. When people see Bethany they will be blown away by her talent."

"I wish I could do for someone what Erika Christensen did for me," says James. "She is dedicated to finding the best story, and her character work is so layered - such a gift to work with her."

BETHANY LAUREN JAMES, BFA The Hartt School, is a singer, dancer, and actress. James resides in New York City and focuses on psychologically challenging characters - bethanylaurenjames.com.

SOURCE Bethany Lauren James.


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