Screen Your Film At the 2018 American Film Market

Screen Your Film At the 2018 American Film Market

AFM offers producers seeking worldwide sales representation an opportunity to expose their films to participating Sales Agents before, during and after AFM through “AFM Screenings on Demand”. This platform will enable producers to present films to the all of the sales companies with an AFM office.

AFM Screenings On Demand for Producers

AFM offers producers seeking worldwide sales representation an opportunity to expose their films to Sales Agents before, during and after the AFM through the AFM Screenings On Demand platform.

AFM Screenings On Demand for Producers will present films to participating Sales Agents – about 400 companies that have an AFM office – and AFM attendees with an Industry, Executive or Platinum badge. Territorial Buyers and Press will not have access.

The cost of AFM Screenings On Demand for Producers is $400 and includes:
– Ingestion and hosting of one film
– Inclusion in two emails sent to all Sales Agents with an AFM office that lists films available for acquisition
– Inclusion in an AFM Screenings On Demand for Producers Press Release that lists films available for acquisition

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can place a film in AFM Screenings On Demand for Producers? AFM participants who have purchased an Industry, Executive or Platinum badge.

What films are accepted? All films in all languages, including narrative and documentary, completed or works‐in‐progress.

Can I screen more than one film? Yes

Can I contact the Sales Agents to encourage them to view my film? Yes, we encourage you to professionally promote your film’s availability.

When are films viewable? Films will be available to screen online from October 22, 2018, one week before AFM, through March 31, 2019.

Who can see our films?
Sales Agents that have an AFM office – about 350 companies
AFM participants with an Industry, Executive or Platinum badge
NOTE: Territorial Buyers and Press will not have access.

Can we add or remove anyone from these lists? No.

Will our film get a listing in the printed AFM Screenings Guide? No. The AFM Screenings Guide lists only films that are already represented by a participating Sales company.

What is the cost? The screening fee for each film is $400 for the entire period.

Is there a charge to view films? No, there is no charge to the viewer.

How will Sales Agents know about AFM Screenings On Demand for Producers? AFM will send two emails to participating Sales Agents informing them of films available for acquisition.

Can Sales Agents screen our film during AFM? Yes. They can use their own device or they can visit the AFM On Demand viewing stations in the Loews Hotel.

Will we know who viewed our film? Yes. Detailed reporting will include who viewed your film and when it was viewed.

Are there any prizes or awards offered for the best film or any audience judging? No. AFM Screenings On Demand for Producers is primarily for private acquisition screenings.

For questions or assistance: Registration@IFTA‐ or +1.310.446.1082



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