Who Needs Libraries When We Have Amazon?

Who Needs Libraries When We Have Amazon? Forbes stepped in it last week when it ran a “thought piece” by Panos Mourdoukoutas, a PHD and Chair of the Department of Economics at at LIU Post in New York, the TL,TR being "Amazon should open their own bookstores in all local communities. They can replace local libraries and save taxpayers lots of money, while enhancing the value of their stock.”, yes that is a direct quote. The Internet went nuts, and Forbes pulled the article. It is still visible via Google cache, and I took the liberty of saving a snapshot to archive.is. I know it’s not an exact analogy, but for some reason this incident reminds me of that scene in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels where Michael Cain’s character says to the rich dowager he’s wining and dining (and about to con) “You were about to explain to us why the poor shouldn’t be allowed into museums”. Read: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/mb4b98/no-amazon-cannot-replace-libraries . And: https://www.vox.com...