Pornography Has Its Hooks in Most Men

19 Sep 2013 13:05 Africa/Lagos

Pornography Has Its Hooks in Most Men

— PROVEN Men Program Seeks to Help 1 Million Men Fight Their Addiction —

LYNCHBURG, Va., Sept. 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The pornography industry gets it hooks into you before you become a teenager and won't let go. Consider these statistics:

Most teen boys (86%) admit to looking at pornography,[i] and a survey revealed that 64% of college males view pornography every week.[ii]
Overall, 30% of all data transferred across the Internet is pornographic.[iii] One porn website alone has 350 million separate people viewing more than 4.4 billion pages of pornography each month.[iv] That's more than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined![v]
Even the workplace is not safe, with 44% of U.S. workers admitting that they viewed pornography while at work.[vi]
In at least one poll, 50% of Christian men said they were addicted to pornography.[vii]

"This is a very real addiction. Just like drug or alcohol use, what starts off as a seemingly innocent act can quickly spiral out of control," says Joel Hesch, founder of PROVEN Men and a Liberty University law professor. "And it's having a devastating impact on our society—leading in many instances to failed marriages, job loss, over-aggression and abuse."

Hesch is taking this provocative subject public via social media, web videos and a targeted campaign to pastors nationwide through his PROVEN Men Ministries, Ltd. With the goal of reaching 1 million men, the Lynchburg, Virginia-based non-profit is rallying to fill a gap in available help to men who want to overcome their pornography addiction.

The PROVEN Men resources include a 12-week course of study, a leadership guide and a book on sexual integrity—all available on Amazon.

"We have an intense solution to an intense problem," notes Hesch. "This program requires you to commit to intense work over 12 weeks if you really want to establish a foundation for change. But without it, you resign yourself a life of no friends, no family support and, for many, a crumbling marriage.

"While some try to go it alone, we find that the greatest success for study and recovery is working with a network partner or a group of men in your church or community." To that end, PROVEN Men also is launching a pastor-specific outreach targeted toward bringing the PROVEN Men program into churches nationwide. For those who may not have access to a support group, PROVEN Men also offers a guide for two men to use as accountability partners as they each work through the study.

Information about the program can be found on Facebook (,Twitter (@PROVENMen) and the website.

Early reviews from individuals who participated in a preview of the PROVEN Men program:

"This really is a good roadmap to beginning to truly deal with sexual addiction."

"I had no clue how selfish and prideful I was in my life. This may be a 12-week study, but I'll be reviewing and praying with this material for a long time afterward."

"Many of us struggle with sexual impurity; I know I am not alone. For the past 12 weeks, I went through a program using the PROVEN Men workbook. What an awesome experience!"

[i] (Jason S. Carroll, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Larry J. Nelson, Chad D. Olson, Carolyn McNamara Barry, Stephanie D. Madsen, "Generation XXX: Pornography Acceptance and Use Among Emerging Adults, Journal of Adolescent Research, Volume 23 Number 1 January 2008).

[ii] Michael Leahy, Porn University: What College Students Are Really Saying About Sex on Campus (Chicago: Northfield Publishing, 2009).




[vi] Michael Leahy, Porn @ Work: Exposing the Office's #1 Addiction (Chicago: Northfield Publishing, 2009).


Joel Hesch, President and Founder of PROVEN Men
Phone: 434.592.4251

Related Links:
PROVEN Men website
Books for Purchase on Amazon
PROVEN Men Facebook
PROVEN Men Twitter

Video with caption: ":90 overview video of PROVEN Men." Video available at:

Image with caption: "Joel Hesch, founder of PROVEN Men, headshot." Image available at:

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IMAGE Pornography Has Its Hooks in Most Men

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