Men's Egos and Women's Dildos

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Men's Egos and Women's Dildos

How Big Is Your Mojo? 

- Romance - Nigeria

- By Ibile Ife

The confidence of an Alpha Male is not defined or determined by the size of his penis or bank account.
But by the dignity, integrity and nobility of his personality.

Having a big penis does not make any man an Alpha Male.

Majority of men continue to believe that the size of their penis means a lot in their relationship with women.
What women really want is a man with confidence, healthy and can pay his bills with legitimate financial security.
If you cannot pay your bills and you cannot take care of a woman, it is best you keep your distance from her.

Now let us address the myth and might of the size of the penis and does the size really matter to women.

Read more on sizes of the penis and vagina in sex on


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