The Awesome Health Benefits of Ugu leaf (Telfairia occidentalis)

The Awesome Health Benefits of Ugu leaf (Telfairia occidentalis)

The seed are used in making cakes which are high in protein and are suitable for fortifying foods.

Pregnant women suffering from anemia is advised to use the leaf to strengthen the blood.

The oil seeds have lactating properties and are therefore in high demand by women with young babies.

The sliced young leaves mixed with coconut water and salt can be stored in bottle and used for the treatment of convulsion.

The Telfairia occidentalis juice used in the management of hyperchelsterolaemia, liver problems, and impaired immune system.

The Telfairia occidentalis juice has the potential to regenerate testicular damage and therefore can be used used to remedy reproductive and fertility issues.

Telfairia is high in anti- oxidant and free radical scavenger properties and that may contribute to why many use the leave extract in oxidative damage condition such as cancers, liver and liver diseases.

Nursing mothers are advised to drink the Telfairia occidentalis juice in other to replenish lost blood, due to its high iron content.

The Telfairia occidentalis can also be used for the treatment of malaria



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