Jumia Gets More Than 2 Million Visitors Monthly

Jumia offers more than 100,000 products online and gets more than 70,000 visitors daily. In 2013, Jumia was the first African winner of the World Retail Award for “Best Retail Launch of the Year”.

Top 10 eCommerce Facts About Nigeria

  1. According to the World Bank, 32.9% of the population in Nigeria was dependent on the technologies of this age like, High-speed Internet, Broadband and LTE Broadband amongst others, as of 2012.
  2. Nigeria ranks 8th out of a total of 212 member countries of United Nations in terms of number of internet users. Contrastingly, it occupies 128th spot in terms of internet penetration.
  3. Although, the number of internet users in Nigeria are more in absolute terms but internet penetration in percentage terms is much lower than other African countries.
  4. According to Internet World Stats, there were 55.9 million Internet users, representing 32.9% of the population of Nigeria in 2012. During the same year, number of Facebook users totaled to 6.6 million, being the most popular internet activity amongst Nigerians.
  5. According to World Economic Forum, out of every 100 urban Nigerians, 50 access the internet monthly, 58 have internet capable mobile phones and 21 have smart phones.
  6. Public expenditure on internet technologies is $3.14 per capita. It is noteworthy that 25% of expenditure on internet is due to e-government initiatives in Nigeria.
  7. According to Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the number of payments in the country made by mobile phone more than doubled, to 2.4 million, in the first half of 2012, while Internet payments rose 9.3 per cent.
  8. Among urban residents, it is estimated that 99 per cent have access to mobile phones and 50 per cent go online. 
  9. Social networking is the most popular online activity, followed by reading news and watching videos.
  10. In general, urban Nigerians are more than twice as likely as the average African Internet user to conduct transactions online.


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