The 7 Deadly Sins of Mobile Phones by McCann Truth Central

The seven deadly sins of mobile

In this brave new world of connectivity the majority of mobile users are still figuring out how to navigate the rights and wrongs of mobile behavior.

1. LUST - Sending or forwarding a sexually explicit text (or 'sext')
- More than 1 in 10 people say they have received a sext!

2. GLUTTONY: When your device addiction becomes excessive
- 38% of people are toilet talkers (take their devices into the bathroom)

3. GREED: Downloading content illegally
- 29% of people admit to doing this (49% in China)

4. SLOTH: Screening calls and avoiding texts
- 55% of people have purposely ignored a call

5. WRATH: Littering your mobile messages with $#^&! Words & "mofanities"
- 2 in 10 use curses and dirty words in their texts

6. ENVY: Judging a man or woman by their home screen
- 55% admit to judging other people by their choice of device and 40% admit to judging someone by the network they choose

7. PRIDE: Living in your own mobile bubble
- 44% of people say they have a right to do whatever they want with their mobile devices (even if it might bother someone else!)

The mobile advertising and network carrier opportunity
According to the study, 63% of people wish that the advertising they saw on their phone or tablet was more entertaining. At the same time, mobile advertising can be a real opportunity for brands to connect with consumers, the study found.

When mobile ads are fun and provide utility, consumers are keen to jump in. After seeing an interactive game on mobile, a consumer in the Philippines said, "I like that it's a game where you can win real prizes. You can really enjoy it, not just alone, but also with your friends."
Could mobile save the world?
The study also revealed a lot of excitement and hope among adult mobile phone users about the future world that mobile can deliver, an optimistic viewpoint that continued to liken them to teenagers.
Nearly 40% of people thought that mobile technology will make us more likely to develop global solutions for crime, 21% thought mobile technology can help us avoid global economic crises, and 16% thought mobile could help alleviate pandemic flu outbreaks.

Read the complete report on We're All Just Teenagers When It Comes To Mobile.

SOURCE McCann Worldgroup

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