Giant Rock The Movie: The Greatest UFO Story Never Told…

17 Aug 2012 11:07 Africa/Lagos

Giant Rock The Movie

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 17, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The Producers of GIANT ROCK THE MOVIE an Epic UFO Thriller based on the abduction/contactee phenomenon, has optioned the rights of the screenplay Giant Rock from Chad C. Meek the nephew of the late legendary American UFO pioneer George Vantassel. Hollywood veteran character actor and producer Kevin Gage who has acted with Robert De Niro, Demi Moore, Tom Hanks as well as Johnny Depp in the past states "that this has to be the Greatest Story Never Told."

Kevin Gage further states, "It is remarkable how sinister western governments were in their treatment toward the UFO contactees during the 50's and 60's." "There are precious few people who are alive today like Chad C. Meek who had a front row seat to the events that occurred out at Giant Rock." "It is through Chad's eyes that this story will unfold and the movie will be well worth the price of admission."

Giant Rock the Movie is based on the turbulent time period right after the 1947 Roswell UFO Incident and through the Washington D.C. saucer flap that Vantassel had pre-announced as the result of his UFO space channeling sessions. This pre-announcement that is documented via registered letters to both Government and major newspapers eventually put him on the cover of Life Magazine and at the forefront of the nascent UFO disclosure movement that began in the Mojave Desert.

The interest in the UFO abduction/contactee phenomenon is rising with an estimated 50 million or more people writing blogs on the subject. According to Giant Rock's associate producer Millard Artenberry 50 million people writing blogs on UFO's extrapolates to a large viewership. Artenberry goes on to state that more successful feature films like Close Encounters of the Third Kind starring Richard Dreyfus, Contact starring Jodie Foster need to be made to satisfy the UFO believing public.

Chad C. Meek recalls how Howard Hughes the American aviation pioneer would visit the small restaurant and airport often to fuel his plane and to sample some of his aunt's pies. "At times Giant Rock had a Woodstock feeling to it with the thousands of people from every walk of life who would flock out there annually to commune with fellow believers in extraterrestrials." Filming will begin on Dec. 21, 2012. No scheduled release date. www.GIANTROCKTHEMOVIE.COM.

Giant Rock Universal, Giant Rock Musical Score by Sander Bonestroo

SOURCE Giant Rock Universal

CONTACT: Chad Meek, +1-714-882-4118,

Web Site:


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