I Have Got It! She Has Got It! We Have GUTS! We Are GUTSY!


No fewer than 6.2 million girls are out of school in Nigeria.

UNICEF reported that over 67% of the over 10 million Nigerian children out of school are girls from poor families who cannot afford to send them to school and majority of them end up as hawkers on the street and housemaids used for child labor and others become victims of child trafficking and prostitution.

We have seen them in reports on BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and other news channels and in documentaries like Girl Up of the United Nations and Girl Rising of 10x10 and we are heartbroken for them. But heartbreaks and tears cannot solve problems. We have to speak out for them. Become the voices for the voiceless and lift them up and out of their poverty and let them rise up and soar like the eagles to greater heights of their dreams.

Yes, you and I can help them to go to school and have a good education.

Where can we find them?

They are there among the girls in my community and in your community, but we often overlook them and don't even give them half a chance to prove themselves and show us what they can do for our communities!

The poor girls used for child labour; hawking on the street and the housemaids in our homes who are not going to school!

Now, we want to give them the chance to have the best opportunities for them to have the same access to education as other children in school without any discrimination or deprivation.

See the UNESCO publication on The Right to Education - Law and Policy Review Guidelines


We want every deprived girl to have the GUTS to speak out and ask for her rights to EDUCATION and to join the GIRLS UNITED TOGETHER FOR SUCCESS (GUTS) and say YES we can!

We want them to be GUTSY!

:GUTSY means...having or showing courage, determination, and spirit.


courageous, brave, mettlesome, plucky

, bold, valiant, valorous, intrepid, heroic, lionhearted, daring, fearless, daredevil, adventurous, audacious, undaunted, unflinching, unshrinking, unafraid, dauntless,indomitable, doughty, venturesome, stout-hearted, spirited;

determined, resolute, forceful, death-or-glory;


informalspunky, game, ballsy, have-a-go;


Our girls are coming!

Our girls are speaking!

Our girls are talking!

They have got the GUTS!

About GUTS and GUTSY

GUTSY is the buzzword for GIRLS UNITED TOGETHER FOR SUCCESS (GUTS) movement for the empowerment of underprivileged girls out of school in Nigeria to ask for their fundamental human rights to education and go to school.

GUTS will campaign against every form of child labor in Nigeria and stop poor girls used as hawkers and housemaids in every community in Nigeria.

GUTS is not an NGO and will not be an NGO. It is going to use mass communication for mass literacy campaign for all girls everywhere they are in Nigeria. The GUTSY messages will be spread by word of mouth, online and offline, on social network sites, publications in print media, radio, TV, T-Shirts, Face-caps, scarves, bandannas, mugs, etc for the public enlightenment to support GUTS 24/7!

What can you do to cooperate and support GUTS?

Just spread the word and pass on the message.

GUTS is already live online!

Don't be left out!


Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima

Publisher/Editor, Nigerians Report Online, CEO, International Digital Post Network Limited, CEO, Screen Outdoor Open Air Cinema (SOOAC), Executive Director, Screen Naija One Village, One Cinema Project; Author of Children of Heaven, Scarlet Tears of London,The Language of True Love, Bye, Bye Zimbabwe, In the House of Dogs, The Prophet Lied, Diary of the Memory Keeper, NOLLYWOOD MIRROR® Series and other books in print and electronic versions distributed by Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Lulu, Tower Books and other booksellers worldwide. A former UNICEF national program consultant in Nigeria working on child survival and development and nomadic education and also a public health illustrator and translator for the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs at 21 and 25, between 1984 and 1990 and IEC program officer for the Center for Education on Population, AIDS and Drug Abuse (CEPADA) of Alhaja H.O. Shitta-Bey, a former award winning Program Specialist of the USAID.

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