How to Renounce Your U.S. Citizenship in Two Easy Steps - Glen Roberts

Glen Roberts, a real life "The Man Without a Country" is an author, activist and Internet pioneer who has built a successful network of websites focused mainly on the Americas and featuring self-empowerment, social networking and cultural reporting. Glen's most recent book is How to Renounce Your U.S. Citizenship in Two Easy Steps.

Growing up in the United States, Glen began exploring freedom of information and privacy issues as early as beginning of the 1980s and later with a focus on the Internet. Glen went so far as to place social security numbers and other information online taken from top US military personnel.

He was making a point about Internet exposure, but the backlash was sharp and severe. Representatives from the Pentagon, Congress and even aides representing the office of then-President Ronald Reagan took note of Glen's actions and attacked him for making his points so dramatically. Newsday referred to him as a "political provocateur".

Eventually, Glen was investigated by the FBI - and yet his criticisms and concerns were valid. Some 30 years later, whistle-blower Edward Snowden would expose the same sorts of privacy violations that Glen was concerned about in the early 1980s.

By the time, Snowden's revelations were being international news, Glen Roberts was long gone from the United States. After traveling in the Americas, he settled in Costa Rica before moving to Uruguay. Here he started yet another of his many successful websites, this one called His personal blog / rant is at:

Eventually, Glen would build a full suite of "Total" websites featuring nations throughout Latin America. One of the last to be added was Paraguay, where Glen moved in 2011. After making his move to Paraguay, Glen began to contemplate renouncing his US. citizenship. How he did so and why is related in his latest book, now available and already garnering critical praise and enthusiastic readers.

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