The 3 Most Expensive Books on Nollywood

1. Nollywood : Pieter Hugo, Chris Abani, Stacy Hardy, Zina Saro-wiwa: Libros US$13,917.00 US$23,189.23 2. Nollywood, Manipulation and Social Reality Perceptions by Adnan Ali Adikata (2014-07-17): Adnan Ali Adikata: Libros US$4,843.65. 3. Nollywood Mirror by Ekenyerengozi, Michael Chima (2013) Libros US$2,343.31 See others on . The NOLLYWOOD MIRROR®Series is currently printed in the United States of America and the Art Editor is Ms. Juvelin Aripal from the Philippines. It is available in hardcover, paperback and Amazon Kindle tablets with the following features: Text to Speech: Enabled Text-to-Speech is available for Kindle Touch, Kindle Keyboard, Kindle (2nd generation), and Kindle DX. They are also distributed in the USA by Barnes & Noble, Lulu, Tower Books, eBay and other booksellers.