Fly Africa – Unlocking the Potential of Africa’s Aviation Industry

Fly Africa – Unlocking the Potential of Africa’s Aviation Industry Africans make up 12% of the world’s population but less than 2% of its travelers ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast, October 31, 2017/APO Group/ -- FLY AFRICA , a book authored by Hassan El-Houry, a pioneer in the African aviation industry and Eric Kacou, an African strategist and investor, was launched yesterday on Amazon. The book highlights how aviation could become one of Africa’s greatest strengths, underpinning its economic growth and connecting it with the rest of the world. Yet today, Africa’s aviation industry lags behind much of the world. This disparity is most evident in the fact that Africans make up 12% of the world’s population but less than 2% of its travelers. This discrepancy is not inevitable.