
Showing posts from January, 2013

New Book Daniel's Secret Uses Biblical Numbers to Reveal Shocking End Times Truths

31 Jan 2013 14:35 Africa/Lagos New Book Daniel's Secret Uses Biblical Numbers to Reveal Shocking End Times Truths Author JW Farquhar identifies Creation's Holy Trifecta as only pathway to salvation FORT MILL, S.C., Jan. 31, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- In a dialogue between a doubting Thomas and an inspired Daniel Veritas, Daniel interprets the Bible through the scripture of Genesis I using three authorities of interpretation: the image of God, the likeness of God, and the numbers of God. In this way biblical authority is maintained, because foundational scripture interprets the Bible instead of human speculation. Never before has such a complete solution to the mysteries of the Bible been placed on the doorstep of humanity with a Genesis I foundational theology that is validated again and again by all the God-breathed numbers in the Bible. When the Bible is interpreted with biblical authority we see a divine plan where: a foundational theology perfectly reconciles a...

Maya Angelou's Black History Month Special With Kofi Annan, Jennifer Hudson, Alicia Keys, Regina Taylor and Oprah Winfrey

30 Jan 2013 11:00 Africa/Lagos Maya Angelou, Presidential Medal Recipient of Freedom, Storied Poet, Author & Activist, Hosts 3rd Annual Black History Month Program February 2013 on Public Radio CHICAGO, Jan. 30, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Maya Angelou's Black History Month Special 2013, "Telling Our Stories," features five celebrated guests, Kofi Annan, Jennifer Hudson, Alicia Keys, Regina Taylor and Oprah Winfrey sharing candid stories about their paths to achievement and their place in the annals of black history. The program is available to all PRI (Public Radio International) affiliated stations and African American Public Radio Consortium stations free of charge. Maya Angelou, a 2011 recipient of the President's Medal of Freedom and civil rights activist appointed by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as the Northern Coordinator for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, brings music, poetry, history and insight to the stories of her guests. "Our st...

Bill Gates Emphasizes Power of Goals and Measurement as Keys to Tackling Extreme Poverty

Bill Gates Emphasizes Power of Goals and Measurement as Keys to Tackling Extreme Poverty Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, visits a health clinic in Lucknow, India that provides prenatal and child health care services. Fifth annual letter highlights successes from education in the United States to prenatal health care in Ethiopia, outlines vision for improving lives of the poor for the next 15 years SEATTLE, January 30, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — In his fifth annual letter, Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, highlights how setting clear goals and accurate measurement are key to improving the lives of poor people around the globe. Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, visits an agricultural facility in Adama, Ethiopia that processes and ships beans and chickpeas to European markets. “I know, it’s not the sexiest of themes, but the proof of its impact is undeniable,” Gates wrote. “The lives of th...

No. These Are Not Photographs, They Are Drawings!

Source: Uploaded by user via Re-Branding Nigeria on Pinterest Source: Uploaded by user via Re-Branding Nigeria on Pinterest 22 years old, Italian artist Diego Fazo's drawings will blow your mind. And HE IS SELF TAUGHT! Don’t tell me you can tell the image below is a drawing and not a high-definition photograph, because I don’t buy it. In fact people were so skeptical this incredible piece of art was drawn by hand that young Diego Fazo had to put up some photos of the work in progress just to lay doubts to rest. And looking at his-mind-blowing masterpiece, can you really blame people for questioning it’s hand-drawn? Like other talented artists who started their careers on Deviant Art, Diego is a self-taught pencil master whose technique matured with the passing of the years. He started out as a tattoo artist, and developed a passion for creating photo-realistic drawings. Inspired by the works of Japanese artists from the Edo period, like Katsushika Hokusai, he managed to c...

The Don is Back in Grand Style!

THE DON IS BACK ~ By Ingram Osigwe When the king rises, he does so with certain panache and carriage befitting his revered status and when he enters the arena, he equally does so gracefully, showcasing his pre-eminence for all to see. Such was the case with Don Simon fruit juice when it was relaunched in Lagos on Tuesday, 29th January 2013. The ambiance that pervaded function suite of Sheraton Hotel and Towers, venue of the pre-launch gave emphatic meaning to this. Don Simon disappeared from the Nigerian market 11 years ago. The ban on the importation of foreign fruit juice by President Olusegun Obasanjo administration in 2002 sent Don Simon, alongside other imported fruit juice out of the Nigerian market, but mutual partnership between Ekulo Group of Companies and J.Garcia carrion of Spain have now ensured that Don Simon is produced in Nigeria. SIR EMMA BISHOP OKONKWO, ( OFR) ADDRESSING THE MEDIA @ THE LAUNCH. FROM LEFT: AREA MANAGER, WEST AND SOUTH AFRICA, GARCIA AND CARRI...

Thank You for All Your Best Wishes on My Birthday!

I give thanks, because I am very glad and grateful to the Almighty God for protecting and saving the beautiful and wonderful life He has given me to celebrate another birthday today. He has given me life and given me life abundantly in Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour and our Messiah. To God and God alone be all the glory. My special person and Nigerian sweetheart Roseline Philip woke me at about 2am with the following best wishes and prayers: Just keep saying A-M-E-N!!! =>SURPRISES =>ELEVATION =>PEACE =>FAVOUR =>SUCCESS =>LONGLIFE =>DIVINE HEALTH. Happy birthday!!! Followed by sweetheart Loveth Martins with the following: May ur birthday let u create ur favourite kind of happiness 2 day&lend u a reason 2 smile&see d glory of d lord in ur life&more yrs 2 com,hv a wonderful &most beatiful day ever happy birthday. Thank you Blog.Co.Uk for your Happy Birthday wishes to me. Thank you Dapo Tinubu of Na Naija , Becky Muikia, Aloysius...

Act V & Red Hot Congratulate "Blood Brother" for Winning the Sundance Festival U.S. Grand Jury Prize and the U.S. Documentary Audience Award

29 Jan 2013 19:50 Africa/Lagos Act V & Red Hot Congratulate "Blood Brother" for Winning the Sundance Festival U.S. Grand Jury Prize and the U.S. Documentary Audience Award New film shines a light on India's AIDS Orphans through American Rocky Braat NEW YORK, Jan. 29, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Act V: The End of AIDS and the Red Hot Organization congratulate Director Steve Hoover, Producer Danny Yourd, the ever-inspiring Humanitarian Rocky Braat, the production company Animal, and the whole Blood Brother team for winning two prestigious awards this week at the 2013 Sundance Festival: the U.S. Grand Jury Prize and the U.S. Documentary Audience Award. "Rocky's story is so inspirational. Somehow, he found home in a far away place. His compassionate care of children with HIV/AIDS proves that love can move a mountain. I believe the world will be touched, moved and galvanized to take action and join us in helping as many children as possible surv...

Criminal Tracker! App Adds New and Improved Features

29 Jan 2013 01:26 Africa/Lagos Criminal Tracker! App Adds New and Improved Features DETROIT, Jan. 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Criminal Tracker!, by U.S. Publications, Inc., is newly upgraded and improved making it even easier for its users to quickly track criminals and sex offenders in real time within a 40-mile radius. Criminal Tracker! is user friendly and just a few clicks provide complete and current criminal profiles and photos. Users can view hundreds of profiles for each specific zip code region and radius setting for free. They simply enter their zip code and mile range. Criminal Tracker! then quickly populates and tracks all offenders with names and addresses on a map within their chosen settings. "The additions of the 'Look Up' and 'More' buttons have made a big difference in the functionality and usability of the Criminal Tracker! application," Simon Gojcaj, president, U.S. Publications, Inc., says. "Now, when a user is in their zip...

Hitler’s Toilet Is in New Jersey?

The Tablet gives us the photograph of Adolf Hitler’s toilet in New Jersey . But the last thing I want to see would be Hitler's toilet. For half a century, Greg’s Auto Repair has housed the commode from Aviso Grille, the Führer’s biggest yacht. Read the full story on Tablet . Tweet

"Why Is S.T.E.M. Cool?"

"Why Is S.T.E.M. Cool?" L'Oreal USA Wants to Know What 13-18 Year-Olds Think NEW YORK, Jan. 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- L'Oreal USA's For Girls In Science program is launching a "Why S.T.E.M. is Cool" video contest on inviting students nationwide, 13-18 years of age, to produce and upload their most original, engaging, funny or compelling videos expressing "why S.T.E.M. is cool." Students can submit their video in one of four categories: science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Videos must be either 30 or 60 seconds long and suitable for general public viewing. Do you want to be the next woman in space? Do you want to find a way to close the hole in the ozone layer? Have you thought about inventing an invisibility cloak or a transporter beam? What about finding cures for diseases or for the common cold? Whether it is writing a new software code, finding a new galaxy or exploring the unknown depths of th...