New Book Daniel's Secret Uses Biblical Numbers to Reveal Shocking End Times Truths

31 Jan 2013 14:35 Africa/Lagos New Book Daniel's Secret Uses Biblical Numbers to Reveal Shocking End Times Truths Author JW Farquhar identifies Creation's Holy Trifecta as only pathway to salvation FORT MILL, S.C., Jan. 31, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- In a dialogue between a doubting Thomas and an inspired Daniel Veritas, Daniel interprets the Bible through the scripture of Genesis I using three authorities of interpretation: the image of God, the likeness of God, and the numbers of God. In this way biblical authority is maintained, because foundational scripture interprets the Bible instead of human speculation. Never before has such a complete solution to the mysteries of the Bible been placed on the doorstep of humanity with a Genesis I foundational theology that is validated again and again by all the God-breathed numbers in the Bible. When the Bible is interpreted with biblical authority we see a divine plan where: a foundational theology perfectly reconciles a...