3 of 10 Nigerian Men Are Not The Fathers of Their Kids-DNA Expert

There is a shocking disclosure that Nigerian women have cheated and lied to their husbands on the paternity of their kids, because a DNA expert has dropped the bombshell that three of ten Nigerian men are not the real fathers of the kids their wives gave them! A survey conducted by condom manufacturer, Durex, in which 29,000 people in 36 countries were interviewed has ranked Nigerian women as the most unfaithful in the world. The following report will shock many Nigerian men who are the ignorant victims of unfaithful wives and girlfriends. We have seen that there is serious need for it because in many homes things are happening that are scary both to the lives of children and their parents. And for the general statistics that is now available, it is found that three out of every ten men are not the fathers of their babies. Similarly, three out of every ten children are not fathered by men they have seen as their biological fathers. What we have found out is that, anytime we tak...