Imagine a Future, the Documentary on Black Beauty from America To Africa

Directed by Shola Lynch and Lisa Cortes, follows Janet Goldsboro, a teenager from Delaware, who is struggling to find and own her worth. Like any boy-crazy teen girl, Goldsboro is plagued with insecurities, however it's the color of her skin that she finds most troubling. She journeys to Africa in search of the roots of her true identity of black beauty.

Janet Goldsboro.

Procter & Gamble’s My Black Is Beautiful (MBIB) an organization that celebrates the diverse beauty of African-American women and fosters self-esteem, launched the initiative "Imagine A Future."

Watch The My Black is Beautiful "Imagine a Future" Documentary, which examines beauty and self-esteem issues that challenge black women and girls. The documentary deputed first nationally on BET.

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