If You Must Love, Then You Must Love Absolutely
Before we discuss loving and loving absolutely, let us separate the thorns from the roses, lest they would prick us and make us uncomfortable in our bed of roses..
Conceit and deceit have done more collateral damage to loving relationships than politics and poverty.
Being honest and being yourself will save you from a lot of headaches and heartaches for the unpleasant consequences of being fake and being swayed by wish washy vanities of useless egos.
What is the use of pretending to be what or who you are not?
Be yourself and let people take you as you are or go away!
Just tell them, "Love me or leave me".
I have heard and read countless words of promises of boys (especially the small boys among us here) and men swearing to high heavens on how they love a girlfriend or wife.
But these same boys and men sooner or later turn around to cheat on her with other girls and women.
"I hate cheating and lying! Hiss"
The same person swearing this is the same person who is soon caught lying and cheating. grin
"I love you more than any other girl in the world." shocked
The same guy saying this sooner or later will be cursing and swearing at her and could even do worse and go chasing other loose skirts on the street.
Do you know what is love?
Why is God so jealous of Israel?
Read the complete article on Kisses 'n' Roses.

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