Gods Prophetic Declarations for Nigeria

Gods prophetic declarations for Nigeria include;

1. Nigeria is my battle axe and weapon of war

2. Out of this nation shall men and women arise who will be my chosen vessels to bring millions to me

3. Nigeria shall fulfill my counsel for the black race, the race that has been despised and enslaved.

4. I will visit and purify my church in Nigeria so that she may fulfill my purpose

5. I will raise Daniels and Josephs who will know how to build, plant, preserve and conserve Nigeria.

6. Son of Man say unto Nigeria and Nigerians ; though you have passed through the valleys of the shadow of death and shall yet pass through the valley of the shadow of death, thus saith the Lord, you shall not die but you shall live.
- See more at: http://www.nigeriansreport.com/2013/10/nigeria-will-not-break-up-in-2014-or.html#sthash.J30rnyNt.dpuf.

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